What does a month on ortho pager look like?

She finally did it, Parisah managed to get me to write a post. Albeit begrudgingly, and not without some arm twisting. I previously vowed after submitting my final essay of medical school that I would keep writing to a minimum if not absolutely required. However, exceptions must be made for those we care about.

So the first post I am writing, rather than just editing or giving input on, is in regards to how I will be starting the new year. Tomorrow I will begin ortho pager month, perhaps the busiest rotation that I have during my intern year as an orthopaedic surgery intern. 

My intern year is composed of month-long rotations, 6 months on orthopaedic related rotations ( 2 pager months, 3 clinic and OR months, and 1 research month) and 6 months off service ( rotations in plastic surgery, rheumatology, radiology, rehabilitation, ACS, and vascular surgery).

The reason pager month is particular busy is because all orthopaedic consults that are ordered by other medical providers in the hospital are seen by the intern. The intern will then chief it to the seniors on service who are often in the clinic or OR. In addition to assessing the incoming consults, there is also the task of managing all the pages that come in for patients admitted on the floor that are under some form of orthopaedic care (either as primary patients or as a consult service). Although this is a busy month with long hours (pre-rounds start at 5), it is also kind of fun at the same time since you get A LOT of hands on experience with reductions, casting/splinting, reading trauma radiographs and CTs, suturing lacerations, and more.

Overall, I am looking forward to the experience, and have also set some goals for myself outside of the impending chaos of holding the pager (like continuing to workout).

What goals do you try to maintain even with a busy work schedule? What rotations have you found to be particularly busy during residency? What about busier times during your career? Let us know your thoughts!