A little over a year ago, I was refreshing a page at 4:57 am in my room, in the dark, waiting for my SF match results concerning the ophthalmology match. Braden was on an ortho interview and although family was around, I wanted to be alone when I got the results. Finally, at 5:03 AM I got an email (the SF match server wouldn’t load so I got the email first) that I matched at Loma Linda University for ophthalmology. It was such a surreal moment and it felt so right. I was going to be an ophthalmologist!⠀⠀
It was an unbelievable feeling to match and it was followed by more incredible news throughout the year. On the Monday of match week in March, we found out Braden matched to orthopaedics surgery, but we didn’t know which program. Then, in front of both our families in a room full of all our medical school classmates, we found out he matched to Loma Linda as well. I remember feeling so emotional and almost cried in relief that we would not be in different states for residency. It’s a gratefulness I can’t put into words.⠀⠀
In May we graduated medical school. Putting on the regalia, walking out to the podium, and being able to graduate with my parents and siblings in the crowd was unreal. Listening to the graduation speakers, I felt so proud of what we had accomplished. It was something we both worked tirelessly for throughout eight years after high school. It was a mantra we told ourselves over and over. Every semester when we strived for a 4.0 GPA, the goal was to be accepted to medical school. Every class in medical school we fought to high pass or honors in, it was the hope of preparing ourselves for the match. Now, I sit and write this post six months into intern year and feel so blessed.⠀⠀
It is an odd feeling to have a goal you’ve been holding for years be accomplished. Now we get the opportunity to set new goals and strive to be the best physicians for our patients. I am so excited for what 2020 and this decade will bring.⠀⠀
What is a goal you accomplished this year? How do you capture that moment, so you remember it forever?