How do I have a side hustle during four year of med school?

Being a student and having no money is hard. There is a I can say on this topic, however, the point of this post was to talk about side hustles during fourth year of med school. I really don’t recommend working during first through third year of med school, its just not pragmatic. But the golden year of fourth year was super fun and here were things we did for supplemental income:

Tutored – we both tutored MS1/MS2s through the school and made that $$

Wag – dog walking app that essentially is if first come, first serve. Walks pop up in real time and you have to be fast and accept it. Be sure to pay attention to where the walks are located, it doesn’t make sense to drive 30 minutes away for a 30 minute walk.

Rover – dog walk/sitting and cat sitting. I had one job from this, and it paid really well! I put eye drops in a cute little dog’s eye who had glaucoma. It was hilarious to me because I had already matched to ophthalmology and was getting paid $20/hour to put eye drops in for a dog. So cute!!

Door dash – would only recommend doing this if there is an hourly bonus! Otherwise you don’t make that enough to justify the time.

Uber eats – Braden did this and Door Dash. One time he got a $40 tip for delivering McDonalds! Pretty crazy.

Field agent app – have never used this one but it sounds fun! You do random tasks and get paid?  

Overall, I picked dog walking because I had a blast doing it. Braden did food delivery because he doesn’t mind driving. The whole concept is hilarious because we were future doctors delivering food, but desperate times mean extra measures!

What have you done as a side hustle?